Jewelry adorned with black gemstones is particularly popular. elegant and sophisticated. If you own one of these pieces of jewelry, you will certainly want to learn how to maintain it properly to keep it in good condition for as long as possible.

We'll help you identifying fine black stone used on your jewel.

Then, we'll give you the best advice on how to use of jewelry with a black stone. We'll also show you how to clean and polish them so they shine like new!

Finally, we'll show you our finest jewels adorned with fine black stones, so you can choose (or give as a gift) the one you like best.

We hope you'll find this article useful, and that you'll enjoy looking after your jewelry with a fine black stone!

Determining the type of black stone

There are many natural stones with a dark appearance. The most common are tourmaline, obsidian and black agate.

Visit tourmaline is very fragile due to its roughness. It has a rough appearance.

L'obisidian is a volcanic rock. It has a smooth, mirror-like appearance.

L'black agate has a vitreous, almost transparent luster. It is very soft to the touch. It can show white strata.

Our tips for maintaining a black stone

The natural stone that makes up our semi-precious stone jewelry must be cared for like all your jewelry.

Black stone is a very fragile semi-precious stone. It's important to maintain it well to ensure it lasts a long time.

  • Be careful not to let the stone come into contact with abrasive surfaces.
  • Avoid letting the stone come into contact with chemicals.
  • Clean the stone with a soft, clean cloth.
  • Store the stone in a cool, dry place.

To preserve the appearance and brilliance of this natural stone, it is best to avoid all acidic products (no vinegar or lemon juice), detergents or bleach that might damage the stones.
Use soapy water and a soft cloth to clean these surfaces.

Our jewelry made of natural black stone

In our jewelry range, we have several types of rings and necklaces made up of black semi-precious stone like the Sofia ensemble gold-plated and black stone with the necklace and the bracelet.

Gold-plated black stone necklace